Dr. Michael Maikowski, Dip.-Ing. (Chemistry)
Patent Attorney, European Patent and Trademark Attorney
Dr. Michael Maikowski, Dip.-Ing. (Chemistry)
Patent Attorney, European Patent and Trademark Attorney
Michael Maikowski is the founder of the law firm Maikowski & Ninnemann. His professional career as a patent attorney began in the late 1970s in what was then West Berlin with a focus on chemistry and mechanical engineering, including chemical engineering - in accordance with his studies at the Technical University of Berlin. Today, Michael Maikowski deals almost exclusively with national and international trademark law in the pharmaceutical industry, in particular trademark infringement, and is involved in the training of patent attorney candidates.
The filing, enforcement and defence of trademarks in the pharmaceutical industry has occupied Michael Maikowski since the 1980s. Complex trademark strategies and the enforcement and defence of national and global trademarks are among his core competencies.
For more than 30 years, Michael Maikowski has chaired the working group for patent attorney candidates and is still a member of the examination board for the admission of German patent attorneys. Furthermore, the proven industry expert is chairman of the professional training committee of the German Chamber of Patent Attorneys.
+49 (0)30 881 8181
German, English
Awards and rankings
since 1990
Partnership Maikowski & Ninnemann
Foundation of the patent law firm
Studies of law at the Freie Universität of Berlin
Studies of chemical engineering and chemistry at the TU Berlin
Since 1985
Member of the Board of the district group GRUR Berlin-Brandenburg
1987 - 2019
Head of the Berlin working group of patent attorney trainees
1989 - 2019
Council member of the Institute of Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi)
1991 - 2021
Chairman of the training committee of the German Chamber of Patent Attorneys
2009 - 2019
Chairman of the Finance Committee of the epi
Honorary member of the Executive Committee of AIPPI